
Associazione Trapiantati Organi Puglia Onlus


Insieme per la Vita



Object: presentation I plan informative unitary country for the region Puglia 2005 

Country of Unitary National Communication 2005 for the Donation and Transplantation of Organs and Fabrics. Promoted by the Office of the Health and Center National Transplantations, in collaboration with the Associations of volontariato AIDO, ACTI, AITF, ANED, ASS.I.R.T. Association Marta Russo, Federation LIVER-POOl and Confederation FORUM.


The planning of the country of important projects / demonstrations / events of the unitary country for the Donation and Transplantation of Organs and Fabrics has been submitted by the Office of the Health for 2005 to the National AIDO which has sent, to the associations adherent to the same informative country, well precise indications and at the same time application of considerations and proposals for events to be developed for 2005 that they are able in expressive way to set the accent on the reality of the " World Of the Donation it is Transplantation Of organs " through the communication and of a system of relationships with the Universities and schools of every degree in Italy and in the various regions. The ato Puglia by now ONLUS can boast a notable experience already matured in the vehicular common informative countries, (news is attached brought by journalistic headings during the years) and therefore from the great job developed by the volunteers that by now as an army it silently stirs and with so much will power it involves the territory and the local realities as University, Schools, Common, Provinces, Region. The most greater part of the initiatives, developed by the ATO Puglia Onlus, in 2004 (39) you/they were especially contemplated to the school. Other similar initiatives are also anticipated for 2005.

The initiatives have brought the citizens, to the boys of the schools of every degree, a suitable information, on the donation of organs, so that they could freely choose to be able to be or less donor". The ato for 2004 is proposed and it proposes more always him for 2005, to be from a side organ of information, improving a very important assignment: that to sensitize the people to the “Culture of the Donation and Transplantation of organs and Fabrics”, to be next to who the transplantation has already lived him/it, looking for to be stung of reference in all the medical problem list and of life that the transplanted being involves. It has in these years continually developed volontariato that has gone well over to make himself/herself/themselves company, but that you/he/she has succeeded in doing true culture, to watch over, to goad and to sustain the choices that the Institutions and the Corporate body went to do and to decide on the problem list of the donation and transplantation of organs.

Understood rest and confirmed that the ATO Puglia guarantees him from now the whole collaboration and possible appointment to the project national AIDO to which the select universities of Puglia will be interested.


The ato Puglia Onlus with the National Federation LIVER_POOL, FORUM and sure collaboration of the organizations AIDO, ANED, AITE, regional and local ANTF (each maintaining her own autonomies) to the purpose to strengthen in Puglia the culture of the donation of the organs, the development of the Transplantation and the guardianship of the transplanted ones it intends to develop for the year 2005 the project under listed, program that will be developed with the collaboration of the Region Puglia, of the provincial Administrations of all the provinces, of the Administrations of many Communes, of the Provveditoratis to the Study, of the AUSLs and of the coordinators locali. 

2° Edition year 2005 Region Puglia 


Solidarity and Correct Information 
Formation of today's citizens and tomorrow (to introduce them in the world of the donation and the transplantation of organs).

Project of communication on the donation of the organs turned to the Academies, superior and inferior schools, schools elementary. 

The objectives are to furnish information related to:

The necessity and importance to have to give.

Concetto of cerebral death 

The illnesses that bring to the necessity of the transplantation.

Formality of the consent to the donation.

Ethical implications.

Legal aspects of the donation of organs, fabrics and cells.

The assignment of the Associations of Volontariato. 

Informative meetings Marzo / Ottobre with experienced from jobs of group (local coordinators, physicians, psychologists, coroners, experienced in jurisprudence, responsible of the center regional transplantation. In a lot of schools the meetings will be effected by the executives and scholastic referenti which have matured the ability and experience in the years, being close to the associations and parties to the problem, (the Spanish system teaches us), to face with the boys the problem list on her “Culture of the Donation and Transplantation"

Seminars well precise legacies to the specificity of the address pointed out by the AIDO

Contacts with Alderman to the Cultura / Istruzione Regionale, Rectors and Teachers 

Creation of a final event that involves the students, the groups of job, the Institutions, the General Managers of the Centers Transplantation and the regional coordination of “activity of collecting and transplantation of organs”.

For the students of superior schools at the end of the project he/she will wonder (if they desire him/it) to release some cards, their learned possession (through a relationship), considerations, proposed, expressions of quality on the formalities in which the project has been introduced them (this to allow us to improve in the future).

For the Academies, Schools Superiori/Inferiori and Elementary, To the students teachers teachers you/he/she will be distributed informative Kit-country 2005 furnished by the National Federation liver-Pool and FORUM (postcards with n. 2 pocket tickets with declaration of wish asportabile, poster, apparent, informative brochure, adhesive, visual cassettes of educational learning on the culture of the donation.

At the end of the annual project there will be a presentation pictorial-graphics from the pupils of the schools involved that they will have to represent the action of the big gesture of love through the solidarity. “The Donation of Organs and Fabrics” The jobs will be select from an errand giudicatrice, and to the first one and according to classified a scholarship you/he/she will be assigned (prize in material didactic) while to the third classified, in sign of the gift of love, a small gold little heart will be delivered. Á. other participants will be delivered certificates of worth.

Certificates of worth will also be delivered to all the experts, scholastic executives, teachers and taught that you/they will have involved in the development of the project. 
In the month of February be send the rule of share to the chosen schools to the project and to establish therefore the various dates of meeting and development of the same.   


Cittadini that you/they will have involved:

 develop Project  
Associations of volontariato on the territory  N° 7 (affiliate around
Direct involvement                                                                    Around 
Voluntary of Associations hocked Physicians                       
Busy volunteers                                                                                
Rectors / Scholastic Executives                                                    
Famigliari studenti/alunni that will have the news             
3.600 x mediates 3 = 10.800 
Town administrators                                                                        
Regional administrators                                                                  
Provincial administrators                                                                
Officials AUSL                                                                                    
Artists (show)                                                                                   
Total directed involvement                                                       16.000 
External associations involved to the final evening                 25 
Bodies armed strengths divulged the news and guests          
Hospitals and clinics involved                                                      
Aggregations Chemists                                                                    

Total                                                                                               Incalculable 

Thematic contacts 
You contact mail electronics anticipated around                    
450         around                                                  
Informed through newspapers, radio, tv around                
Gives final around of contacts / share / informed       Over 200.000 people 

The project and his/her development you/he/she will be publicized both through Web pages and with fliers personalized through also town postings, offices USL Enti public and privacies, pharmacies.

They will also bring the formality of share and development.

Ours I intend it is in to want to also continue for 2005 the various projects begun in the schools of every degree.

The job done thin to you/he/she has now allowed us, through the schools elementary, averages superior and inferior to enter as families and to so not only bring precise information to the boys but also to their famigliaris and in the territory where they lives. 

You/he/she is ascertained that they are the boys in the 7/14 year-old band that, in a way so affascinoso and coinvolgente succeed in making to participate in the various projects to them assigned all those that are nearby him and especially the family.

Through them our assignment is facilitated whether to have communicated a precise news on the culture of the Donation and Transplantation of Organs to a child, this surely you/he/she will be transmitted to at least to four famigliaris.

To the project you/they will have involved: the Coordination Regional and provincial of “Activity of Collecting and Donation of Organs”; the president of the Regional Junta; The assessorato to the Health and Culture Pugliese; the Presidents of the five provinces pugliesi, the mayors of the select Cities to the share of the project, the persons

responsible of the centers you transplant Pugliesi, the rector of the involved university, the provveditoratis to the studies, all the citizens, the television broadcasting stations and national journalistic headings and regionali.Inoltre to the collaboration will be guests the associations of the territory.

Besides the project, the phases of development, the conclusion, the considerations will daily be published on the Web: 

The conclusion of the project with the delivery of the prizes and certificates in the academies, senior high schools and inferior through demonstrations of relief you/they could locally be developed of city in the city while and our I intend to conclude with a regional initiative in the month of November 2005 in one of the cities pugliese with more schools participant during an evening of show musicale/culturale. 
The choice to divide the initiative with some local final evenings springs from the impossibility, due to the elevated number of the participants, to entertain the same in an only city and at the same time to welcome the applications of various mayors that I intend to entertain moments of such importance in his/her own cities.

Probable programs of the conclusive evenings: 

Times 19,00 beginning evening 

Intervento introductory representatives of the associations of promoting volontariato of the project with testimony of transplanted.

Intervento of the present Institutions. (mayor ospitante and of the cities participants to the project, intervened authority).

The persons' responsible · Intervento centers transplantation 

Intervento of the regional and local coordination.

Consegna scholarships (didactic material prize) to the pupils.

Interventi of characters of the world of the sport and musical.

Consegna attested to the scholastic managers and teachers.

During the evening, there will be brief suspensions with interventions of national representatives, of the world of the sport, of the show and of the Culture. 
Besides an informative stand will be prepared, with presence of volontariato, physicians, testimonial for the distribution of informative material and to pick up expressions of wish. 

The president ATO Puglia 
Giovanni Santoro. 






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