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Scheme Of National Sanitary Plan 2003/2005

Approved By the Suggestion Of the Ministers IL 18/04/03

3.6. to promote the transplantations of organ

As it regards the transplantations of organ, it is known that the advantages they prevail on the complicanzes (rejection, infections and them consequences) with a survival to five years understood between 70% and him 80%, according to the transplanted organ.
And', however, necessary to keep on pursuing the retrieval of the organs in all the Regions.
In our Country, nevertheless, the levels of activity are disomogenei among the different Regions, both in terms of donations, and in terms of transplantation, and this doesn't certainly contribute to guarantee that parity day accessed the cares which the patients have the right.

During the last triennio the general increase of the number of donations and the quality of the transplantations in Italy has brought our Country to the level of the principal European Nations, and the number of the donors of organ is increased of 42,3%, with a general increase of the 27,4% of the I number some transplantations.
They are objective strategic in this field:

1. to promote the evaluation day quality of the activity of transplantation day organs, fabrics and cells staminali;
2. to favor the best use of the available organs, through the diffusion of advanced techniques, training the operators and favoring him/it carrying out of these activities in Centers of Excellence;
3. to predispose a national Plan for collecting, maintenance, distribution and certification of the fabrics;
4. to verify the possibility that in the opportune cases organs are also used by living donor, after a careful evaluation of the application of the normative one in vigor and of the Lines it Drives, formulated by the Against National Transplantations. You/he/she must be remembered however that the donation (the living one is not exempt from sanitary and social dangers and it is therefore to consider him residual in comparison to the dead body donation that it has to stay the principal objective of the National Sanitary Service;

5. to activate objective and transparent algorithms for the assignment of the organs to transplant and for the monitoraggio of the transplanted patients, uniform on the whole national territory;
6. to foresee that the informative flow of the data related to the transplantations of cells staminali emopoietiche: is integrated within the System Informative Transplantations, also through the collaboration with the Italian Group for the Transplantation of Bony Marrow (GITMO) and the organization Grace (Group day Harvest and Amplification of the Cells Staminali Emopoietiche) that it gathers the banks of cells staminali placentari;

The health's promotion

1. to define the Paper of the Services of the Centers of transplantation foreseeing continuous updatings,;
2. to extend the development of the System Informative Transplantations;
3. to increase the information to the citizens around the qualitative and quantitative activities of the Centers of transplantation,
4. for the next future, besides it it is necessary to proceed to reduce the discrepancy among the Regions in terms of activity of retrieval donors to reach the number of the 30 donations for million inhabitants,;
5. to foresee systems day verifies on the effectiveness of the activity of the local coordinators, contextually to the recognition of incentives;
6. to foresee that in all the reanimations is realized procedures to retrieve all the potential donors and the errand is available for the check of the death;
7. to predispose, for the famigliaris of the subjects submitted to check of death, a psychological support and of help;

8. to effect the financing for function, as individualized in the article 8 sexieses of the Decree Legislative 19 June 1999 ns. 229, overcoming the financing for DRG;
9. to guard the respect of the Lines Drives for the living donor transplantations activating particularly the organism of part third anticipated ivi to correctly inform the parts in cause on the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures;
10. monitorare the activity of the single Regions around the collectings of human fabrics and their use, the activation day banks of the regional fabrics or interregionali, their accreditation and their functionality;
11. to insert, also the transplantations of cells staminali emopoietiche among the transplantations of organ and fabrics picking up the data near the Center National Transplantations, and connecting this last with the register of the living donors of bony marrow founded near the hospital Galliera in Genoa;
12. to favor the development of activity of search connected to the activities of transplantation;
13. to support the activation day standardize computer procedures, above all for the management of the lists day attended;
14. to promote suitable countries of information revolts to the citizens;
15. to realize the selection of the receivers the transplantation with shared algorithms and procedures informatizzate, documenting every passage of the decisional trial to the goals of a superior control;
16. to appraise and the results of the activities of collecting and transplantation of organs to make public;
17. the criterions of admission of the patient to make more and more objective and transparent to the transplantation.

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