testo in italiano

The ato Puglia component Onlus Of the National board of directors of the constituent LIVER / POOL (Federation National Associations of Volontariato for the Liver Illnesses and the Transplantations of liver Onlus).

Rome is constituted to March 14 th 2003 near the Office of the Health, the National Federation for the Liver Illnesses and the Transplantation of liver.

To the newborn National Federation you/they have stuck associations of a lot of Italian regions of which besides the ATO of Puglia, ATF of the Friuli, ATRAFE, ATRAS and AILE of Sicily, ANTF of the Emilia Romagna, Life in Tuscany, COPEV of the Lazio, of Sicily, ATE of Campania, EPAC of the Lombardy and Life New of the Sardegna.Alla
presidency of the Federation has been chosen the Prof. Fabrizio Soccorsi primary of the Gastroenterologia near the Wisdom in Rome.
The board of directors for the first Three years has been submitted to the ATO (Puglia), Life (Tuscany) Life Nuova(Sardegna), COPEV (Lazio) ASTRAFE (Sicily) EPAC (Lombardy).


The Federation won't have purpose of profit, it will exclusively pursue finality of solidarity and welfare, civil, scientific and cultural and of the beneficence for subjects disadvantaged carriers of Transplantation liver or waiting for Transplantation or affections from one of the liver pathologies and correlated conditions, and that however they form object of the specific finalities of the single Associations adherent to the same Federation.
The Federation, will pursue particularly the aforesaid purpose coordinating, and developing all the fit activities
- it will promote, the assistance to the people bearers of pathologies for which as therapy can be suitable, the transplantation of liver, as well as the education and the education of the said people and their families.
- it will promote the culture of the donation of the organs and fabrics;

- it will establish and it will coordinate the general lines of the initiatives it promoted to national level from the single Associations partners and adherent to the Federation and representing this last towards the national organisms and sovranazionali;
- it will develop activity of consultation and support to the federate Associations in their activities
- it will sensitize the political, administrative and sanitary structures with the purpose to improve the assistance to the patients affections from said pathologies;

- it will promote the scientific search on the problems set by the sopradettes pathologies and from the connected therapies;
- It will effect investigations on the diffusion of the said pathologies both in national circle that transnazionale and on the relative index of incidence;
- It will promote relationships with national and international medical associations and with every other institution avente you sweep e/o you program analogous to the proper ones;

- It will spread the information and the education of the classes it cures and paramedical around the diagnostic possibilities of prevention and therapeuticses for the pathologies sopradette disbursing to such the goal fit tools;
- It will also make work of sensitization with the use of the informative means of mass, over that on the thematic tied up to the pathologies for which the transplantation is also necessary of liver for a more diffused knowledge of the utility and importance of the donation of organ, as I orchestrate through which, him to improve the quality of the life or to save the same life of how many affections are from liver pathologies.

- Provvederà with every mean to the attainment of his/her own goals and for such purpose, to title esemplificativo, will organize conferences, congresses raced days study and of updating, scientific committees, seminars and similar; it will grant contributions and scholarships; it publishes connected scientific and popular works to you quote her pathologies it will develop searches and experimentations as statistic elaborations.
The Federation, can use of autonomous or dependent workers in the limits established by the art. art 3 paragraphs 4
Our appointment, continuous it will contribute to the realization of the projects preset by the Federation that they will bring Italy to an improvement of the activity of collecting and transplantation of liver improving at the same time the conditions of life of the subjects affections from serious liver pathologies.

The Regional president ATO Puglia Onlus
Giovanni Santoro

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